Unleash The Hero Within

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

55 episodes of Unleash The Hero Within since the first episode, which aired on October 28th, 2019.

  • Episode 56: The legendary journey of Robin Rice

    October 2nd, 2022  |  57 mins 21 secs
    ego, healing, inspiratie, life, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, personal development, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, psychedelics, purpose, robin rice, shamanism, soul, spiritual growth, unleash the hero within

    In this episode I have a conversation with Robin Rice, the internationally published author, social change artist, and mentor to leaders from around the world. Her books have been translated into three languages and her social change efforts have been featured in major media in over 30 countries.

    Robin has travelled the world to study indigenous leadership, she created the #stopthebeautymadness campaign which was covered by major media in over 30 countries including including The Today Show, Huffington Post Live, E Online, and Shape Magazine.

    She offers courses such as Training Your Inner Warrior, Finding Your Voice, Becoming A Master Storyteller With Your Life, The Art of Inner Inquiry, and This Is Awakening.
    As a mentor to leaders she offers life-changing support to high-profile change makers from the political, NGO, entrepreneurial, and arts communities.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • life’s purpose, how does it look like and how do you find it?
    • how to deal with the struggles around finding life’s purpose
    • how ancient mythology points us to toward essential truths
    • answering the call of the hero’s journey
    • shamanism and her experiences with psychedelics
    • the death of the ego and soul
    • wanting
    • how do you die well
  • Episode 55: The legendary journey of Bill Gaede

    September 22nd, 2022  |  58 mins 34 secs
    bill gaede, inspiratie, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, unleash the hero within

    In this episode I have a conversation with Bill Gaede who moved from the USA to Setubal, Portugal when he was 85 years old!

    What made Bill decide to move to Setubal at an age where a lot of people are already dead. I don’t know what most people think and do when they’re 85 but chances are that moving to another country is probably not that high on their to-do list. What makes Bill different? Well, you are about to find out because I had the opportunity to talk with Bill about moving to Portugal, life, dreams, regrets, valuable life lessons, happiness, death and much more.

    It's not often I get a chance to speak with someone who not only has the courage to move to another country at that age but also the courage to speak openly about his life. One of the questions I asked Bill is how he would like to be remembered, this was his answer.

  • Episode 54: The legendary journey of Federica Gallus

    September 6th, 2022  |  1 hr 32 secs
    federica gallus, inspiratie, marcel lahaije, music, ontdek de held in jezelf, passion, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, the hero's journey, unleash the hero within

    When you move to another country and start looking for your tribe a very important part of your quest has begun.

    The people you are going to surround yourself with are going to determine for a big part the quality of your life. I love to surround myself with creators, people who speak from the heart, have the courage to be vulnerable and let themselves be seen. People who are also on their Hero’s Journey and share stories about their dreams, fears and how they deal with life’s challenges.

    Not only has the Unleash the Hero within podcast become a magnet for those people and their inspiring stories but it has also become a place of connection, joy, belonging and new friendships.

    In this episode I have a conversation with Federica Gallus and her journey to become a successful singer. Her story is not only very inspiring but also filled with nuggets of wisdom. Through our stories we not only connect but they also give us an opportunity to reflect on our own lives.

    I’m grateful I got to spent some time with Federica because she made me realize that finding your gift not only comes with the responsibility of taking care of it the best that you can but also using it in a way that benefits others.

    “with great power comes great responsibility”

  • Episode 53: The legendary journey of Marshall DeCouto

    August 16th, 2022  |  1 hr 4 mins
    connection, conscious presence, energy, inspiratie, marcel lahaije, marshall decouto, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, quantum field, spirituality, unleash the hero within

    In this episode I have a conversation with Marshall Decouto about what makes us tick. Why do we do the things we do, where does our behavior come from and how can we change it?

    This is an episode if you are interested in spirituality and learning more about the subconscious quantum field. Marshall shares valuable knowledge about how our negative thoughts prevents us from becoming the person we are destined to be. We dig deep into the world of energy, vibration frequencies and conscious presence. Ingredients that we need to understand better so we can close the gap between the person we are and the person we would like to become. Marshall shares his life lessons and a very personal and profound story that changed everything and sent him on a new path in his life.

    I’m grateful that I met Marshall and I’ve not only had the privilege to speak with him for many hours but also received a treatment from him and experienced firsthand the gift that Marshall shares with the world.

    It's no secret that Setubal is the (new) home for many searchers, myself included. When you think and feel on a certain energy frequency it is only a matter of time before you attract like minded spirits. You are welcome to join us in the private Facebook group Waking Up In Setubal.

  • Episode 52: The legendary journey of Conrad Harvey

    August 5th, 2022  |  51 mins 47 secs
    conrad harvey, inspiratie, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, the disco viking, unleash the hero within

    When you move to another country it’s only a matter of time before you meet new people and make friends.

    Setubal is like a melting pot that not only attracts people from all over the world but also a wide variety of odd ducks, myself included. Why do you want to surround yourself with ‘normal’ people (whoever that may be) when there is an opportunity to meet some of the most colorful people of the world. Not only do they have an amazing story to tell but it feels like we are all looking for the same thing.

    It was only a matter of time before I would meet a genuine, certified, bonafide rockstar in a local bar. Conrad Harvey also known as The Disco Viking definitely fits the bill. Not only am I happy that he’s my guest on this episode of the Unleash the hero within podcast but I also got a chance to spent some time with him and get to know him better.

    Sometimes you meet people you have an immediate connection with and you can talk with them for hours. Conrad falls in that category and in this podcast you will discover why.

  • Episode 51: The legendary journey of Andy Tulett

    August 1st, 2022  |  1 hr 12 secs
    andy tulett, happiness, inspiratie, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, public happiness movement, unleash the hero within

    Travelling to another country is not only a great way to learn about different cultures and people but it’s also a perfect way to discover more about yourself.

    My next guest is Andy Tulett and he travelled the world for 10 years in a campervan that he build himself. His current destination is Setubal, Portugal and that’s where Andy and I crossed paths.

    Join me in this episode of the Unleash The Hero Within podcast where we talk about his adventures, the lessons he learned along the way, the struggles in his life and his mission to spread happiness over the world.

    It's when people find the courage to speak from the heart and show their vulnerabilities that we truly connect with each other and discover that we are not that different. By sharing our stories we not only connect on a much deeper level but it also gives us a chance to heal our own wounds.

  • Episode 50: The legendary journey of Lorentz Figenschau

    July 24th, 2022  |  53 mins 30 secs
    dragon slayer, hero's journey, inspiratie, lorentz figenschau, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, setubal, storytelling, unleash the hero within

    Moving to another country and adding another chapter to your life can be an amazing experience.

    As soon as you decide to leave your homeland and take the first step into the unknown you’ll probably have some expectations on how that journey is going to go. Man makes plans and God laughs. At every stage of life we make plans, setting out where we want to go and imagining what we will be like when we have arrived. But things have a way of turning out not quite as we hoped or expected.

    In this episode I have a conversation with Lorentz Figenschau about moving to Setubal, Portugal and the adventures that were waiting for him once he arrived. It is inevitable that you will have to face dragons on your journey and sometimes they show up in pairs. Not only will this test your faith but it will also give you an opportunity to transform yourself into a dragon slayer.

    In this podcast you will discover that Lorentz is not only a strong and brave dragon slayer but he is also a warrior of the light with an amazing and inspiring story to tell and he is not afraid to be vulnerable in the process of demonstrating that. To me that is the definition of a genuine, certified, bonafide hero and I am grateful our paths crossed.

    If you are looking for inspiration and real life stories of people who are on their hero’s journey and how they deal with their challenges than this is the perfect podcast for you.

  • Episode 49: The legendary journey of Stephanie Waasdorp

    July 19th, 2022  |  53 mins 18 secs
    inspiratie, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, stephanie waasdorp, unleash the hero within

    In this episode I have a conversation with Stephanie Waasdorp about her hero’s journey and about moving to Setubal. Why did she move to Setubal and what are some of her best and worst experiences about living in Portugal.

    We also talk about the gift that she wants to share with the world, the challenges she faces and how she deals with them. Besides being a single mom she also runs a successful business.

  • Episode 48: The legendary journey of Albert Bonet

    June 7th, 2022  |  1 hr 4 mins
    albert bonet, authenticity, challenges, inspiratie, life is a game, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, unleash the hero within

    Imagine that life is a game and you can set the rules. How would the game look like? What would be the objective of the game? What kind of rules will you implement? What happens when you break the rules? And what about the other players?

    Join me in this episode where I have a conversation with Albert Bonet about the purpose of life. Together we dive deep into the rabbit hole and talk about all aspects of life. We share the good, the bad and the ugly and ask thought provoking questions that will inspire you to take a closer look at your life.

    Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be? How do you cancel out the noise that’s poisoning our brain and choose your own path? How do you deal with the challenges that life will present to you? And what about all the mistakes that seems to keep piling up along the way?

    This is an episode that you don’t want to miss! It’s not only filled with words of wisdom and inspiring insights but you will also hear Albert doing an amazing Yoda impersination. Just like life there are tears of sadness and tears of laughter.

  • Episode 47: The legendary journey of Filipa Matta May

    May 25th, 2022  |  52 mins 50 secs
    adoption, be present, family, filipa matta may, finding passion, inspiratie, love, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, setubal, unleash the hero within

    Moving to another country is an adventure. The automatic pilot switch gets turned off and you become very aware of where you are and what you are doing. Everything is new and to me it felt like being unleashed as a kid at Toys R Us for the very first time!

    You feel excited because you step into a new world, waiting to be discovered. A different culture to explore, places to visit and new people to meet. Meeting new people is not only about making new friends, it is also a great way to learn more about yourself. We all have a story to tell about who we are, our dreams and fears and why we moved to a new country.

    If you have the courage to go deep into yourself, and dig up and share those stories you will come to a place where you will find real connection. With other people and with yourself because some stories have a magical and healing ingredient.

    In this episode of the Unleash The Hero Within podcast I’m talking with Filipa Matta May about her journey. She was an adopted child of a Portuguese family, became a lawyer but found her true passion in writing stories for children. Join me in this inspiring and sometimes emotional conversation where we talk about being present, the best and worst days of our life and speaking your dream into the world.

  • Episode 46: The legendary journey of Rusty May

    May 3rd, 2022  |  1 hr 6 mins
    education, inspiratie, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, rusty may, school tools tv, unleash the hero within

    Moving to another country is a great way to immerse yourself in a different culture and meet new people. It also creates an opportunity to learn, to grow and expand into becoming the person you are destined to be.

    We all have a story to tell about who we are, the dreams we have, our fears and our desires. Some of us have the courage to pursue a life that appears to be less ordinary and more adventerous.
    Choosing such a path often comes with more than a fair share of rivers to cross, mountains to climb and dragons to slay. But is also opens a door to a magical world.
    Join me in this podcast where I talk with Rusty May about his Hero’s journey. His passion about helping other, the dragons that tried to stop him and the coincidental encounters that led to magical experiences.

  • Episode 45: De legendarische Reis van Evelien van Es

    January 20th, 2022  |  59 mins 5 secs
    evelien van es, inspiratie, liefdesrelaties, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, onverbiddelijk jezelf zijn, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, unleash the hero within, zelfliefde, zielsmissie, zielsplan, zingeving

    Kun jij je herinneren wie je was voordat de wereld tegen jou vertelde wie je moest zijn?
    We leven in een tijd waarin ons verteld wordt wat we moeten denken en hoe we ons moeten gedragen. Maar wie ben jij echt diep van binnen? Welke verlangens heb jij? Wat wil jij doen met de tijd die jou gegeven is en welke droom wil jij graag laten uitkomen?
    Deze podcast gaat over jezelf zijn en alles dat daar mee te maken heeft. Ik praat met Evelien van Es, businesscoach, internationaal spreekster en auteur van het boek Wees Onverbiddelijk Jezelf.
    Wat betekend het nou om onverbiddelijk jezelf te zijn en hoe ga je om met de onzekerheid die gepaard gaat met de zoektocht naar jezelf? Welke rol speelt zelfliefde, wat is de wijsheid van oordeelloosheid en waarom is het belangrijk om verwachtingen los te laten.
    Ook hebben we het over de 4 niveaus van liefdesrelaties en welke rol deze spelen in jouw nimmer eindigende ontdekkingsreis naar jezelf.
    Als jij meer wilt weten over wat jij kunt doen om dichterbij jezelf te komen en graag de diepte in gaat dan ga je veel inspiratie en wijsheid ontdekken in dit interview.

  • Episode 44: De legendarische Reis van Shirley Brouwers

    September 21st, 2021  |  1 hr 3 mins
    afvallen, dieet, inspiratie, marcel lahaije, natuurvoeding, ontdek de held in jezelf, orthomoleculair deskundige, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, shirley brouwers, supplementen, unleash the hero within, voedingsdeskundige

    In deze aflevering praat ik met Shirley Brouwers over jouw meest kostbare bezit, je gezondheid. Shirley is een orthomoleculaire voedingsdeskundige en we praten uitgebreid over dingen die jij kunt doen om jouw gezondheid naar een hoger niveau te tillen.
    We hebben het onder andere over:

    • Moet je voedingssupplementen gebruiken en zo ja, welke?
    • Wat kun je doen om jouw immuunsysteem een boost te geven?
    • Wat is intermittent fasting en waarom zou je het moeten doen?
    • Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van vegetarisch eten?
    • Hoort brood thuis in een gezond voedingspatroon?
    • Wat kun je doen als je niet goed kunt slapen

    Als jij meer wilt weten over hoe jij je gezondheid en je voeding kunt verbeteren dan mag je deze aflevering niet missen.

  • Episode 43: De legendarische Reis van Egon Beaart

    July 9th, 2021  |  1 hr 11 mins
    defensie, egon beaart, inspiratie, management, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijk leiderschap, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, unleash the hero within, verandering, vipfactor

    De geheimen (en essentie) van persoonlijk leiderschap
    Ontdek in één uur wat de geheimen van persoonlijk leiderschap zijn. Hoe krijg je grip op jouw leven en zorg je ervoor dat jij jouw eigen leiderschap tot zijn recht komt?
    In deze podcast praat ik met Egon Beaart, hij heeft 33 jaar bij Defensie gewerkt en zijn laatste functie was als waarnemend hoofd bureau leiderschap van Defensie.

    Hij heeft uitvoerig onderzoek gedaan naar persoonlijk leiderschap en gedrag wat tot vijf keer besproken is in de 2e Kamer der Staten Generaal. Hij heeft zijn MBA met predicaat cum laude gehaald op leiderschap en verander management. We praten over de mythes van leiderschap, over organisaties die zeggen dat leiderschap belangrijk is maar dit niet in de praktijk uitvoeren en over de macht die hiërarchie veroorzaakt waardoor initiatieven als sneeuw voor de zon verdwijnen.

    Daarnaast hebben we het over het belang en de essentie om medewerkers ruimte te geven zodat die weer geloof krijgen in hun eigen kunnen. Hij noemt dit de VIPfactor; Verbinding maken met je innerlijk kompas waardoor je jouw persoonlijke ontwikkeling realiseert. Het gaat niet om de uitvoering maar om de moed te hebben jezelf te durven zijn. Succesvolle veranderingen kunnen worden gerealiseerd samen met en door medewerkers. Geen mooie plannen van aanpak met allerlei vooraf gestelde en geregisseerde doelen die niet worden gehaald, maar veranderingen samen doen waardoor succes wordt gegarandeerd. Dat is de kracht van de VIPfactor, mensen zichzelf durven te laten zijn en echte ruimte geven aan initiatieven en experimenten. De ziel van de organisatie terug brengen, waar medewerkers weer trots zijn om daar te kunnen werken.
    Nieuwgierig geworden? Ga dan nu luisteren naar iemand met wetenschappelijke achtergrond én ervaring hoe het wel kan én moet!

  • Episode 42: De legendarische Reis van Maartje Koper

    June 15th, 2021  |  1 hr 9 mins
    beperkende overtuigingen, bewustwording, god, inspiratie, levensmissie, maartje koper, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, realiteit, unleash the hero within, wet van aantrekkingskracht

    In deze podcast praat ik met Maartje Koper over het creëren van je eigen realiteit. Maartje is een bewustzijnscoach en zij helpt bezielde ondernemers hun missie op aarde neer te zetten.
    Zij is tevens een expert op het gebied van De Wet van Aantrekkingskracht en daar gaan we het deze keer uitgebreid over hebben. We praten over hoe wij onze eigen realiteit creëren met ons onderbewustzijn en hoe wij dit kunnen aansturen door bewust te worden van wie we zijn en wat onze diepste verlangens zijn. Veel mensen lopen rond met een masker en eigenlijk weten ze niet wie ze ten diepste zijn en wat ze nou echt willen. Hoe kun je ontdekken wat je diepste verlangens zijn om daar vervolgens gehoor aan te geven? Daarnaast hebben we het over afstemmen op je dromen, wat is het en hoe doe je dat?
    Ook hebben we het uitgebreid over beperkende overtuigingen, de gedachten die ons tegenhouden om datgene te doen wat we het liefste willen doen en staan we stil bij problemen die we denken te hebben maar onmogelijk op te lossen zijn.
    Als je meer duidelijkheid wilt hebben over je (onbewuste) gedrag en hoe dit jouw realiteit creëert dan mag je deze uitzending niet missen. Maartje heeft het talent om belangrijke maar ingewikkelde materie heel helder te maken en in begrijpelijke taal uit te leggen.

    Ik garandeer je een hele bijzondere aflevering die jou meer helderheid gaat geven over jezelf

  • Episode 41: De legendarische Reis van Bram Martens

    May 31st, 2021  |  1 hr 56 secs
    bram martens, bramedy, drugsverhalen, humor, inspiratie, marcel lahaije, ontdek de held in jezelf, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, stand-up comedian, unleash the hero within

    In deze podcast praat ik met stand-up comedian Bram Martens uit Eindhoven. Wat maakt het dat iemand ervoor kiest om stand-up comedian te worden, hoe wordt je het en wat komt er allemaal bij kijken?
    Ik praat met Bram over het ontdekken van zijn roeping, de eerste keer dat hij op het podium stapte en ook de eerste keer dat hij ‘dood ging’ op het podium. Wat gaat er door je heen als je op het podium staat en niemand lacht om je verhalen, hoe ga je om met afwijzing.

    En natuurlijk neemt Bram ons mee op een reis langs persoonlijke verhalen die de inspiratie vormde voor zijn werk op het podium. Hij verteld over zijn pijnlijke ervaringen in de medische wereld en hoe deze de ingrediënten vormde van hilarische verhalen. Als jij denkt dat een vasectomie en een besnijdenis niet grappig kunnen zijn dan mag je deze podcast niet missen. En als ‘cherry on the cake’ sluiten we af met een spannend en grappig verhaal over weed.

    Net zoals het theater en het leven vormen een lach en een traan de ingrediënten van deze bijzondere, inspirerende en humoristische podcast.